Carlisle 200

A Short Film by Native Women Ride and Brave Space Media

Carlisle 200 follows Native bikers Guarina Lopez (Pascua Yaqui) and Tsinnijinnie Russell (Diné) on a 200-mile prayer ride from Washington, D.C. to the cemetery at Carlisle Indian Boarding School in Carlisle, PA. Through rain and shine on the long gravel trail, Guarina, Tsinnijinnie, and fellow activist-bikers honor the 190+ children buried at Carlisle and raise awareness of the history and ongoing impact of the residential boarding school system on Indigenous communities.

Produced By
Native Women Ride
Brave Space Media

Guarina Lopez (Pascua Yaqui)
Tsinnijinnie Russel (Diné)



Presented by Pacers Running & Brooks Running

Indigenous people have been running the land since time immemorial, for transportation, hunting, rites of passage, as messengers, as athletes and for prayer. This short film shares the ways that Native communities use their bodies in ceremony collectively to raise awareness and demand change for our people and our lands.